The Girl Next Door (2007) is based on the Jack Ketchum novel of the same name. The film takes inspiration from a series of terrifying real-life events. Gregory Wilson directed this jarring picture. Th...
Rob Zombie’s critically-acclaimed masterpiece The Devil’s Rejects is the far superior sequel to the equally gut-wrenching and terrifying House of 1000 Corpses. The Zombie-helmed...
Horror or the grotesque often tinged the original television episodes of Jim Henson’s The Storyteller. That spirit remains in the fourth installment of Boom’s latest miniseries resu...
Welcome to Blood on my Sofa! Each month I will be providing you with a movie recommendation. It won’t be just any movie, but a movie I watched during the previous month that really rocked my wor...
Three years after the conclusion of Chuck Palahniuk’s unexpected sequel, Fight Club 2, Tyler Durden is still the only constant. Following a climax as meta as it was jarring, Fight Club 3 a...
Jacob’s Ladder, released in 1990, puzzled audiences and critics. Dealing with complicated issues of loss, grief, paranoia, hallucinations, death, and rebirth, the film demands multiple viewings ...
Mary Kills People, an upcoming T.V. show on the Lifetime network, which premiered Sunday, April 23rd stars Caroline Dhavernas (as seen in Hannibal and Blue Moon) as the lead Dr. Mary Harris, and follo...
We Go On centers around Miles Grissom (played by Clark Freeman, of TV’s NCIS: New Orleans and horror oddity YellowBrickRoad) and his determination to find out if there is life after death. As a...
Dead West is billed as an action western following Tony (played by Jeffrey Arrington, John Freeman Story, Vicious), brother of a victim of a serial killer known only as The Ladykiller (Brian Sut...