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Twenty Horror Movies You Wouldn’t Want to Watch with Your Gran

As a hard-core horror movie fan I have many friends and family members that do not get my desire for, as they call it, “messed-up” movies. While I can get away with sneaking in a little gore and terro...

Katie attacks man in the bathroom in I Spit on Your Grave 2

In Defense of Rape-Revenge Films

Through some of my writings as of late, I’ve come to discover that I have a greater concern for the way women are treated in horror films. If you call me a feminist, I’ll just say thank yo...

Antichrist disturbing cinema article

Disturbing Scenes & Movies In Horror Cinema- Bucket Anyone?

What can I say? I love disturbing movies. Movies that make you go “WTF!” I make my friends watch them so I have someone to talk to about them. They all hate me for it. There’s an abundance of movies t...