To start, the Alien franchise, with its dense mythology and rich history, fucking rules. Alien, and all of the movies that succeeded it, have been such unique and genre-bending experiences for audienc...
The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying solo...
Poor Things is a movie that left me completely disoriented. Well, there were a few factors that played into my disorientation. First, I was lucky enough to attend a press screening for Poor Things. I ...
The Rabid Dog’s House is a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where contributor Justin Steele uncovers hidden gems, lost classics, and overlooked indie offerings with a little bite. Flying...
We typically think of horror films as being about young people, stranded in a situation they have no control over. Even many science-fiction/horror films, like Alien, follow this basic model. But ther...
Ultrasound is unafraid to introduce the abstract and off kilter within its first few frames. A wash of inky blue and jet black is shot in wide angle, only recognizable as a car driving down a mou...
Over 7 years in the making, Takahide Hori’s stop motion epic Junk Head has had a long journey to this year’s Fantasia Fest. Initially a well received 2013 short, the feature length cut was...
In synopsis, King Car/Carro Rei is the stuff that midnight movie dreams are made of. Uno (Luciano Pedro Jr), was born in the back of his father’s taxi, which may explain why he’s had the l...
Ghost In The Shell was a watershed moment for the appreciation of anime in America, as well as becoming a directional force for both animators and live action filmmakers with its unique mix of cyberpu...