The town of Autumncrow Valley, Ohio, is a magical place referred to as “The Spookiest Town In America.” In Autumncrow, practically every day is Halloween. Summer quickly comes and goes; th...
The 1990s saw a wave of horror titles aimed at young adult readers being released in the wake of R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps. One of the most versatile and endearing was Graveyard School. Written b...
Wednesday 13 of the Murderdolls, Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13, and his namesake band has been bringing his own unique brand of horror metal to the masses for 20 plus years. Wednesday is cur...
In 1998, Braden Thomas Gardner won the “Brain Juice Terrifying Title Contest” and got to create a Goosebumps short story with R.L. Stine and all his classmates at Southeast Warren Intermed...
True Terror with Robert Englund premiered on March 18th. If you’ve missed it due to the current craziness infesting the world, don’t despair. The Travel Channel is airing the inaugura...
The House on Mansfield Street from Mansfield Dark Productions (see my interview here) follows Nick, a documentarian who moves to a smaller city to advance his career. After moving to a quiet apartment...
During Thanksgiving, my brother and I were perusing Amazon Prime movies and came across Mansfield Dark Productions’ The Investigation: A Haunting in Sherwood. After watching countless movie...
Brinna Kelly is the screenwriter and one of the stars of The Fare. Click here to check out our gushing review of the movie. Kelly kindly provided the following bio which describes her humble beginning...
Actress, song writer, and high-fashion model Natalia Safran recently chatted with Wicked Horror regarding her role as The Bride in the lastest installment of the Annabelle series, Annabelle Comes Home...