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my best friend is a vampire

Night Flier - Criminally underrated Stephen king movies

Eight Cinematic Vampires That Don’t Get Nearly Enough Credit

Vampires films are everywhere. They often make their way out of the genre and have (as of late) infected comedy, teen romance and just about everything else. But vampire movies are a staple of the hor...

Seven vampire comedies to sink your teeth into

Seven Great Vampire Comedies to Sink Your Teeth Into

Vampire comedies, like vampires themselves, tend to come and go. They’re not always popular but even when they aren’t, they’re still being produced in some capacity. The biggest surges of popularity f...

Jeremy Capello in My Best Friend is a Vampire

Overlooked and Underrated: My Best Friend is a Vampire

There’s some talent involved with this low budget horror comedy (including a very early, small role for Kathy Bates), but nobody remembers it. The movie is fun in a campy and somewhat stupid way. But ...