Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick: Richard Friedman’s Doom Asylum. Mitch Hansen is happier than he&#...
Christmas is a time full of traditions like decorating the Christmas tree and hanging stockings with care. But, the holiday tradition that really brings people together is kissing underneath the mistl...
The horror soundtrack has pretty much become a lost art. Obviously music is still a part of the genre, but there’s no real effort being made that I can see to put out an album tie-in. And we&#x...
If you’re anything like me, you’ve become quite bored with DVD covers as of late. While there are certainly some that stand out, most tend to all look the same. Overused stock images and...
There are a lot of fans for the Friday the 13th, Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street series. Those are the big three. There are other major franchises like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but that one&...
[soliloquy id=”4990″] When it comes to zombie films, George A. Romero is regarded as king. He is like a grandfather to the genre. He is responsible for classics like Night of the Living De...
Who doesn’t love a hot babe? Horror films are certainly full of gorgeous women – in fact, it’s hard to think of any horror picture without a beautiful woman gracing the screen a...